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Elderberry - just perfect for Autumn/winter!

I have lived with my current flavours for some time now, Birch Leaf being the most recent, but I really wanted to come up with something deep, fruity and packed with goodness to help support us through the winter months. Knowing how incredibly beneficial elderberries are I decided to source a super good supplier and do some test batches in view of bringing a new brew to market.

My first test batch was a complete success... I use oolong and white tea to steep with my elderberries. It is delicious! It has a subtle effervescence and lovely earthy taste. Needless to say I sold out at both markets and now have more on the go. I think this will be a real winner throughout the winter months.

Although not offered through the website yet, you can come and enjoy it on the Saturday Market in Wantage, Oxfordshire, and at Summertown Farmers Market in Oxford on a Sunday!

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